Our Leadership

  • Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman
Jane Neely, President
Scott Leader, Erica Erman, & Eric Goldman Cantorial Soloists
Renee Joffe-Hrlevich Administrator          
Board of Directors:
Gil Blumenthal, Immediate Past President
Rich Fox, Vice President for Programs and Communications and MOK President
Dave Goldfarb, Vice President for Building & Facility
Steve Kanefsky, Member at Large
Ilene Malka, Education Chair
Mark Solow, Finances
Paul Stein, Member at Large
Additional Support:  


Beth Hirshenson, Margi Tabaknek, Caring Committee
Erica Erman, YEP! Curriculum and FYC Coordinator
Amy Bessen, Webmaster

Ellen Lerman, Torah Talk and Special Projects

Rachel Segal, Membership

Reisa Miller Newsletters
Paulette Fraenkel & Rich Goldman, Social Action
Barb Knight and Beth Hirschenson, WNO Co-Chairs