Dear Friends of Israel,

Israel needs us now. March 30, 2011 has been designated as a day to isolate and punish Israel through a proposed “day of action” that will promote the BOYCOTT of Israeli goods. Please forward this e-mail to your community and your friends in other cities and ask them to help start the movement to counter the “boycott Israel day” designated on March 30. You can help start this movement. We had tremendous success the last time we did this November 30, 2010.  The idea is to shop in non-Jewish stores:  supermarkets, Costco, Big Lots (they have wonderful lotions from the Dead Sea), Ulta (they carry Ahava products), the Seacrest kiosks in the mall and even online.

MARCH 30 IS BUY ISRAELI GOODS DAY — its BIG and you can help. Learn more.

Thank you in advance for your badly needed participation!

The Board & Staff of StandWithUs

Celebrating 10 Years Supporting People Around the World Who Want to
Stand Up for Israel